Claire McVinnie

Claire is a printmaker experimenting in a variety of handmade traditional printmaking techniques: screen printing, relief, etching & collagraph. A range of subjects are covered such as animals and nature. Explore the preparatory work & different methods of printing. Framed/unframed prints, hand printed gifts and greetings cards available.

30 Queen Street, Tayport, Fife, DD6 9LQ
Telephone: 07854 914 364
Email: clairemcvinnie [at]
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Directions: From Dundee – Situated on the main road through Tayport, left hand side after Elizabeth Street. From Cupar – Just inside Tayport, on main road, right hand side. The door is on the side of the house.
Access: On street parking. No wheelchair access.
Points of Interest: Tayport Harbour Tentsmuir Forest. Refreshments available.