Josephine Gillespie

Paintings in acrylic, watercolour and mixed media will be on show this year. Also on display are her unique handmade handbags, vibrant jewellery from modern materials, prints and printed cards.

6 Ericht Road, Wormit, Newport-on-Tay, Fife, DD6 8NN
Telephone: 07527 569 318
Email: josephine.gillespie [at]
Other Opening Times: Online and by appointment only
Directions: From the Riverside Road go up Flass Road alongside Wormit Primary School. Carry on right up to the top of the hill, turn left into Ericht Road. Entrance to the studio is through the black iron gate into the patio and round the back of the house. What3words ///graphic.suspect.starlight
Access: No wheelchair access.