Phyllis Fenton FentonARTworks

Born and brought up in Fife, Phyllis is a versatile artist working in oils, acrylics, watercolour, ink and pencil. Much of her work is based on natural form and and encourages us to take a closer look at the fragile world around us. Phyllis spends much time painting and sketching on site outdoors and runs popular Art Classes in Fife and Tayside.

7 Station Brae, Newport on Tay, Fife, DD6 8DQ
Telephone: 07949 366 615
Email: phyllisfenton0 [at]
Other Opening Times: Phyllis' work can also be viewed by appointment at her secondary studio located at the Rio Community Centre
Directions: From the Forgan roundabout head North along the dual carriageway and take the second exit on the left. This takes you down Station Brae. No. 7 is just past the white picket fence on the right hand side. From Cupar Road via Tay Street or High Street, Station Brae is the 3rd Street on the left.
Access: On street parking is available in the immediate vicinity. There is also a small car park on Station Brae. assisted wheelchair access possible.
Points of Interest: As Phyllis spends much time painting outdoors, much of the studio space is located outdoors in various areas of the garden. Covered areas are available for shelter and refreshments will be available. Various eateries are in the vicinity.