About Us

Open Studios is an opportunity for you to speak to artists about their methods and sources of inspiration and perhaps buy or commission directly from them while exploring a lovely part of Scotland. Some run workshops and demonstrations during the event. You also get to see inside the interesting spaces in which they work!

Andrea McMillan studio

Open Studios North Fife is an annual event usually taking place during the first holiday weekend in May. In 2024, this will be 4th, 5th and 6th May. You are also invited to join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1412031822512795 to get involved.

The event was set up to support and spread the word about professional artists and designer-makers working in the area. The aim is to provide interesting and informative days out visiting studios and having the opportunity to meet and speak to the makers of a wide variety of artwork and perhaps to buy or commission directly from them. It gives visitors a unique insight into the workspaces used by artists and perhaps inspires them to become involved in creative activities themselves and appreciate what goes into the production of the work. All this while exploring a lovely part of Scotland!

All Open Studio participants pay a fee, which covers the cost of the extensive advertising of the event.  To encourage new and emerging artists and makers to participate, we have secured generous sponsorship from Howe of Fife Rotary Club for an emerging artist bursary. The first was awarded in 2017 to the textile artist Andrea McMillan, and the current winner for 2024 is Aly Beresford.

This year we are delighted to be sponsored by Cairnie Fruit Farm.

Open Studios North Fife is an inclusive event, please follow this link to our Equalities Framework for information: OSNF_Equal_Opportunities_Framework_Final.docx

We also care about our environment, please follow this link to our Sustainability Policy for more information:
Open Studios North Fife Sustainability Policy & Plan for committee (1).pdf

You can see our Open Studios North Fife Privacy and Data Protection Policy here:

OSNF Data Protection Policy Final.pdf

As a member of the Green Arts Initiative we are seeking to reduce our impact on the environment and help create a sustainable future.

We are indebted to Richard Budd, our brochure and artwork designer, who has supported us from our first year in 2006, producing an outstanding piece of artwork each year, putting up with all sorts of complications in the process! We would like to thank the Fife Strategic Event Fund for providing us with a grant for our 2024 event. We also would like to thank Richard Budd our logo, leaflet and artwork designer and Kinghorn Creative for our online brochure. Thanks also to Donald at Beacon Web who continues to provide support on the website, & Cunningham Grant Chartered Accountants who audit our accounts. The event is organised and run by volunteers.

The current committee are Hayley Mills Chair & Temp Social Media Lead, Dave Rae Treasurer & Membership Secretary, Andrea McMillan Website, Bun Mitchell Advertising, Sheila Page Event Guide, Gillian McFarland Advertisers, Andy McKie Evaluation, Jan Silvera Secretary

Beacon Web

Festivals in fife