Jan Shelley

Jan is an award winning textile designer who creates unique fashion and interior accessories using traditional handlooms. Her work, inspired by the local landscape and historic architecture has been exhibited widely in Britain and abroad. She is a textile lecturer and runs weaving workshops by appointment.

Denhall Studio, Denhall House, Kemback Bridge, Cupar, KY15 5TR
Telephone: 0I334 654 307 Mob: 07928 644 720
Email: studio [at] janshelley.com
Website: janshelley.com
Other Opening Times: Open by appointment throughout the year.
Directions: From Cupar on the B940 Pitscottie Rd. Turn left towards Kemback Bridge. Denhall Studio is on the right as you approach the village. From St Andrews on the B939, turn right at Pitscottie. Take the road through Dura Den, along the Ceres Burn. Turn left at Kemback Bridge.
Access: Parking available. Turn into the drive by the studio, then continue for 100 metres to park at Denhall House. No wheelchair access. Garden.
Points of Interest: The area was an important centre for the linen industry in the 19th century, with a number of mills along the Ceres Burn. It is also famous for the discovery of fossil fish in the sandstone cliffs. Beautiful woodland walks and waterfalls in Dura Den. White Chimneys tearoom at Pitscottie.
Shetland wool furnishing fabric.
Handwoven samples.
Handwoven scarf.
Handwoven shawl.
Handwoven woollen throw.
Handwoven woollen furnishing fabric.
Handwoven woollen furnishing fabric.
Weaving on the Dobby Loom.